
Recently I received a DVD of the movie Awakened which is now available in stores and on Amazon for $9.99. It is a faith-based thriller which turns over the leaf of demonic oppression to create suspense and intrigue.

Personally, I don’t usually watch thrillers and don’t enjoy supernatural threats to life and limb,  not to mention the residual memories of them that haunt me in my sleep. I watched this one purely out of the desire to support Christian movies and producers who I hope are ultimately trying to glorify the Lord Jesus Christ with their craft and perhaps need an edge like this to break into the very short attention span of the current media consumer.

As for this particular movie, the plot is a bit slow — punctuated by the occasional sermon & visit to the pastor to remind the viewer who to turn to in times of trouble. Honestly, I started watching it in fast forward.  I think it needed just a bit more action throughout. I felt that the performance Rob Boltin (Jacob Harker) was the best of the actors. I wasn’t too impressed with his “wife” played by Gwendolyn Edwards but I am not sure her lines for the script were much to go on.

ABOUT Awakened:

Newspaper reporter Jacob Harker (Rob Boltin) loses his job, forcing he and his wife, Haley (Gwendolyn Edwards), to move into a small rental house owned by Webster Cain (Michael Monks). In the process of moving in, Jacob discovers a discarded audio recording of 60’s blues singer Carol James (Hannah Hughes). Captivated by the voice on the recording, Jacob conducts an investigation into Carol James’ life and death.  Through his pursuit, Jacob becomes haunted by an evil spirit. While the spirit seductively persuades Jacob, drawing him deeper and deeper into its own malicious plot, the spirit attacks and terrorizes Haley, creating both fear and distrust in the Harker’s home. Haley sees her husband turning into someone less recognizable each day.

